Dott. Franz W. Baruffaldi Preis

Neck Lift

The aim of this operation is to improve the neck’s appearance in the case the mandibular and chin angle either present a poor definition or those aging skin signs which depending on the position take the names of wrinkles, lines or skin furrows. The anatomic structures responsible of the neck’s exterior aspect are:

The first step consists in establishing which of these structures are responsible of the imperfection.
It should be possible to trace an angle between the chin, hyoid bone and the collar bone. The absence of this angle could depend on the presence of an excess of subcutaneous and sub-muscular panniculus adiposus. It could also depend on the degree of tension and orientation of the platisma muscle.
The skin could be responsible of an unattractive double chin caused by notable slackening. The aim of a surgical correction must be that of restoring the angle in a way that the mandibular outline over the neck is retraced. The reachable degree of improvement depends on several factors among which age, bone structure and skin characteristics.

Planning of the operation


The surgeon will consider the operation and afterwards explain the possible advantages and complications to the patient. It is possible to help to have a better comprehension of the results by a computerized simulation. The picture presented to the patient is obtained by modifying the outline with a program which elaborates the image. Though this picture doesn’t correspond to a guarantee of the result it’s used as a means of persuasion.



The operation can be carried out under local or general anesthesia. In the case it is carried out under local anesthesia, a bland sedative therapy is provided for in the surgical theatre so that you can calm down before undergoing the operation during which a local infiltration of anesthesia will be given.

Surgical procedure


Depending on the cases, the operation may consist in sucking out the excess of panniculus adiposus from the area between the chin, the ear lobes and the thyroid cartilage or in an actual surgical incision of such tissue. The difference between the two methods consists in applying the principles of liposuction (in the first case) and lipectomy (in the second). In this way the aim is to regain the right skin tension and generally the final result is a very satisfying look. In the case the muscular structure results to be involved it’s possible to stretch and give greater tension to the “platisma” muscle which runs along the neck laterally to the median line. This is obtained by an incision carried out under the chin at about 3 cms. from the tip.

Length of operation


From two to three hours are usually needed for the operation.



The scars, as from all surgical operations, are permanent but are positioned with cosmetic surgery strategy in places which make them virtually invisible after 6-8 weeks from the operation.
In most cases the incision starts from the chin and around the ear. It goes back towards the ear at the earlobe level and goes up a few cms. to the area behind the ear. With these incisions the surgeon lifts the skin until he can stretch it and achieve a smoothing of the imperfections listed above.
The incision is then sealed with very fine stitches. When the operation is over two thin drainage tubes are positioned to avoid the building up of blood in the area which has been lifted. When the operation is limited to liposuction, two cannulas are inserted into small incisions behind the ear and under the chin. The scars in this case will be of very small dimensions.

Hospital stay


Whether patients are operated under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia they have to remain under examination for about 24 hours. During this time it will be easier for the patient to undergo medical and nursing checkups. Either full hospitalization or day-hospital can be chosen. In the second case it is possible to go back home or to go to a hotel requiring a nurse remaining with the patient all night. The nurse should be at disposal for any kind of necessity.