Training and professional curriculum Doctor Franz W. Baruffaldi Preis
1978 Enrolled at the Milan University in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
25/10/84 Graduated at Milan University with 110/110 honors degree.
1988-1989 First place in the admission exam at the School of Specialized Plastic Surgery at the Milan University.
Specialized in Plastic Surgery at the School of Specialization of the Milan University with the results of 70/70 honors degree.
Researcher at the Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital, Milan. Plastic Surgery Section.Achievements:
1 - 1986 Scholarship called by the Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital Institution for: “Research in the field of Cranium-facial-vertebral Malformations”.
2 - 1989 Scholarship called by the Health Ministry for experimental clinical research in the field of “Integumental Oncology”.
3) - 1989-1890 Scholarship called by Milan University of Studies for the research in “Scintigraphical Study of Bone Autografting or Allografting both on animals and on patients”.
4) - July 1989 Awarded by the Italian Society of Plastic Reconstruction and Cosmetic Surgery for the publication of “The History of Italian Plastic Surgery through the works of its Experts”.
Hospital Duties:
Sept. 87-April 2000 Worked as an assistant and consequently as an aid at the Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital in the Plastic Reconstruction Surgery Ward and Burns Unit.
May 2000- to may 2009 Chief Doctor in the Functional Unit of Plastic Surgery at the Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, I.R.C.C.S., Milan.
May 2019: Direttore del Dipartimento di Chirurgia Plastica – Centro Ustioni, Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda di Milano.
University Duties:
1993-1999 University tutor at the School of Specialized Plastic Surgery - University of Studies, Milan.
1997-2003 is professor by contract at the University of Studies in Milan, Medicine Faculty.
2003-to today is professor by contract at the Plastic Surgery Specialization School - Medicine Faculty, Geneve.
Today is professor by contract at the University of Studies in Milan, Plastic Surgery Specialization School.
Professore presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Plastica, Facoltà di Medicina l'Università di Mansoura - Egitto.
2019 Docente del Corso Introduction to Surgery presso L’Università San Raffaele, International MD.
Activities in private practices:
Head Responsible of Plastic Surgery at the Centro Diagnostico Italiano dal 1991in Day Surgery activity.
Head Responsible of Plastic Surgery at the Istituto Medico Santa Chiara, Gallarate (VA)
Affiliation Societies:
- Charter member of the European Society for Teaching and Research in Plastic Surgery.
- Ordinary member of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery.
- Ordinary member of the Italian Society of BioMaterials
- Ordinary member of the Lumbardy Medical Academy
- Ordinary member of the Italian Society of Skin Biology
- Member of the Asociacion Argentina de Quemaduras
- Member Of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons.